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How do I enrol?

Enrolment is easy! Click on the enrol now link located at the bottom of each of our course information pages and follow the simple steps. If you still need further assistance or have further questions, you can contact us.

When can I start a course?

You can start a course at any time of the year with our regular intake dates. Once you have enrolled you can begin your studies at a time that suits you. Other institutions usually have two set enrolment intakes each year, which means you must start your course on one of those two dates meaning that if you miss one intake, you may need to wait up to six months before they have their next intake.

Our next intake date is Friday, 24th January 2025

Upon enrolling when will I receive my first set of course materials?

After successfully submitting your enrolment via our website you will be given online access to your course. Login details are sent to students via email within 24 hours of enrolling.

How does correspondence / distance education work?

Distance learning gives you the freedom to study at a time that suits you. You have the advantage of being able to study from home or work from any location. After receiving your course study materials and assessments you will notice that your study materials are divided into a series of modules representing different subject areas. At the end of certain modules you will be assessed via project based or written assessment tasks. You are able to submit assessments via email or mail to your tutor who will mark and return your submission. The process is repeated until you have completed all the assessment tasks.

What if I need help with my course?

Your highly qualified tutor is able to guide you through the exercises and answer your questions, so even though you are at home, you are never alone. Your assignments will be marked by your tutor, who will give you feedback on all written assignments, ensuring you are on the right track and motivated to achieve your goals.

What if I fail a unit or several units within my course?

You are able to resubmit assessments as many times as you need to satisfactorily complete your course. Each time you will receive feedback from your personal tutor or what outcome you may have not satisfied and how you should go about improving your resubmission in order to achieve a pass grade.

Do I need to attend exams?

No! ICI courses require you to be assessed via a variety of project and written task methodologies through which learners demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Our competency based assessments enables our learners to accurately demonstrate their ability to comprehend and demonstrate skills rather than creating an unnecessary “memory test” for learners.

Do ICI courses have final exams?

Simply put the answer is NO. In order to receive your Certificate, Diploma or Advanced Diploma, you must successfully complete all units of work. There is no final examination as you would have already demonstrated your competency across each unit of your course.

How long will my course take?

It’s up to you. With ICI, you set your own pace. Complete your course as quickly or as slowly as you like. Our courses can be completed in less than a year if you study just an hour a day. The maximum time you have to complete a course is three years. Extensions are available upon application.

Will I receive a Certificate?

You will receive an attractive certificate upon completion of your course that you can show to friends, relatives and prospective employers with pride. In addition to your certificate you will receive official transcripts indicating your results and the units undertaken during your study.

Are there any pre-requisites for my course?

None of the courses require you to have no prior knowledge of the subject.

How is distance learning different from classroom-based courses?

• Studying by correspondence gives you greater flexibility. International Career Institute students have the ability develop their own learning schedule around current commitments. Face-to-face based courses require students to attend class dictated by a formal timetable.

• Most classroom-based educators require a minimum class attendance rate of 80% in order for you to pass the course. As there are no classes to attend when you study via correspondence, you have the flexibility to go on holiday, study while you earn, start a family or simply manage your time more effectively around your commitments.

• There are no formalised timetables at International Career Institute, which means you can complete your course around full-time work. This eliminates any potential financial strain and gives you more time to spend with your family and friends. It also means you can complete your course in less time than similar courses at other classroom-based institutions.

• Studying with the International Career Institute means no classes to attend. This saves you time and money travelling to and from class and gives you greater freedom to decide when and where you want to study. Plus, you don’t have the hassle of travelling to class on public transport or paying for parking.

Do I need to purchase expensive textbooks?

No! All learning materials are contained in your course fees so you know what you are paying for when you enrol. There is no need to purchase expensive textbooks.

What if I can’t afford to pay for my course?

You can get started with low weekly or monthly instalments! You pay no interest and still receive everything to complete your training.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Applicants who have undertaken relevant study at another school or who have relevant work experience may be eligible to receive exemptions from subjects.

Exemptions on the basis of previous study may be given for up to 40 per cent of the course. All RPL applications must be accompanied by suitable documentary evidence of previous study (eg. transcripts).

Further Study (Credits & Admissions)

ICI courses are designed to provides students with skills, knowledge and credentials in a particular profession or subject area. Students who have plans to undertake further study with other schools must ensure that they undertake their own research on the admissions requirements and credit transfer policies directly with the future school they might wish to study with. Each school and program will have varying entry and credit transfer requirements and policies.

If the answer to your question is not on this page please contact us to obtain an answer.